PDB Entry - 8S99
(Status - Released)Summary information:
Title: Crystal structure of the TYK2 pseudokinase domain in complex with compound 11
PDB DOI: https://doi.org/10.2210/pdb8s99/pdb
Primary publication DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jmedchem.3c00600
Entry authors: Toms, A.V., Leit, S., Greenwood, J.R., Carriero, S., Mondal, S., Abel, R., Ashwell, M., Blanchette, H., Boyles, N., Cartwright, M., Collis, A., Feng, S., Ghanakota, P., Harriman, G.C., Hosagrahara, V., Kaila, N., Kapeller, R., Rafi, S., Romero, D.L., Tarantino, P., Timaniya, J., Wester, R.T., Westlin, W., Srivastava, B., Miao, W., Tummino, P., McElwee, J.J., Edmondson, S.D., Massee, C.E.
Initial deposition on: 27 March 2023
Initial release on: 26 July 2023
Latest revision on: 23 August 2023
Structure coordinates (PDBx/mmCIF)
Structure coordinates (PDBML)
Structure coordinates (PDB)
X-ray diffraction data (PDBx/mmCIF)
Validation report (PDF)
Validation report (XML)
Validation report (mmCIF)
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