PDB Entry - 7M7W

(Status - Released)

Summary information:

Title: Antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domain that maximize breadth and resistance to viral escape

PDB DOI: https://doi.org/10.2210/pdb7m7w/pdb

Primary publication DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-021-03807-6

Entry authors: Snell, G., Czudnochowski, N., Croll, T.I., Nix, J.C., Corti, D., Cameroni, E., Pinto, D., Beltramello, M.

Initial deposition on: 29 March 2021

Initial release on: 5 May 2021

Latest revision on: 16 October 2024


Structure coordinates (PDBx/mmCIF)

Structure coordinates (PDBML)

Structure coordinates (PDB)

X-ray diffraction data (PDBx/mmCIF)

Validation report (XML)

Validation report (mmCIF)

Validation report (PDF)

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