PDB Entry - 3G52
(Status - Released)Summary information:
Title: Ligand migration and cavities within scapharca dimeric hemoglobin: wild type with co bound to heme and chloroethyl benzene bound to the XE4 cavity
PDB DOI: https://doi.org/10.2210/pdb3g52/pdb
Primary publication DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.str.2009.09.004
Entry authors: Knapp, J.E., Pahl, R., Cohen, J., Nichols, J.C., Schulten, K., Gibson, Q.H., Srajer, V., Royer Jr., W.E.
Initial deposition on: 4 February 2009
Initial release on: 1 December 2009
Latest revision on: 6 September 2023
Structure coordinates (PDBx/mmCIF)
Structure coordinates (PDBML)
Structure coordinates (PDB)
X-ray diffraction data (PDBx/mmCIF)
Validation report (XML)
Validation report (mmCIF)
Validation report (PDF)
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