PDB Entry - 1GO0

(Status - Released)

Summary information:

Title: NMR Structure of Ribosomal Protein L30e from Thermococcus celer

PDB DOI: https://doi.org/10.2210/pdb1go0/pdb

Primary publication DOI: https://doi.org/10.1110/PS.0302303

Entry authors: Chan, S.-H., Bycroft, M., Freund, S.M.V., Wong, K.-B.

Initial deposition on: 15 October 2001

Initial release on: 12 June 2003

Latest revision on: 15 May 2024


Structure coordinates (PDBx/mmCIF)

Structure coordinates (PDBML)

Structure coordinates (PDB)

NMR chemical shifts (STAR)

NMR restraints (TEXT)

NMR restraints V2 (STAR)

Validation report (PDF)

Validation report (XML)

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