PDB Entry - 4AC5

(Status - Released)

Summary information:

Title: Lipidic sponge phase crystal structure of the Bl. viridis reaction centre solved using serial femtosecond crystallography

PDB DOI: https://doi.org/10.2210/pdb4ac5/pdb

Primary publication DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/NMETH.1867

Entry authors: Johansson, L.C., Arnlund, D., White, T.A., Katona, G., DePonte, D.P., Weierstall, U., Doak, R.B., Shoeman, R.L., Lomb, L., Malmerberg, E., Davidsson, J., Nass, K., Liang, M., Andreasson, J., Aquila, A., Bajt, S., Barthelmess, M., Barty, A., Bogan, M.J., Bostedt, C., Bozek, J.D., Caleman, C., Coffee, R., Coppola, N., Ekeberg, T., Epp, S.W., Erk, B., Fleckenstein, H., Foucar, L., Graafsma, H., Gumprecht, L., Hajdu, J., Hampton, C.Y., Hartmann, R., Hartmann, A., Hauser, G., Hirsemann, H., Holl, P., Hunter, M.S., Kassemeyer, S., Kimmel, N., Kirian, R.A., Maia, F.R.N.C., Marchesini, S., Martin, A.V., Reich, C., Rolles, D., Rudek, B., Rudenko, A., Schlichting, I., Schulz, J., Seibert, M.M., Sierra

Initial deposition on: 14 December 2011

Initial release on: 15 February 2012

Latest revision on: 6 November 2024


Structure coordinates (PDBx/mmCIF)

Structure coordinates (PDBML)

Structure coordinates (PDB)

X-ray diffraction data (PDBx/mmCIF)

Validation report (XML)

Validation report (PDF)

Validation report (mmCIF)

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